Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Few School Moments

I am so far behind trying to blog about school, that I am going to make a post with several school things we have done.

Tricorn Hat

We made tricorn hats out of construction paper to mimic the hats worn by George Washington.  The kids had a blast with this because they love wearing things on their heads!  I thought Ella's was especially said "I love Captain Ella."  Crazy girl!


 Feather Pen

When studying the Declaration of Independence, we had to make ink and a feather pen and Ella had to use it to sign her "John Hancock."  We made the ink out of cherries and used a turkey feather she had found in the woods while at Charles' family reunion down in the country.  She found that writing and drawing was much more time consuming like this!

Crazy Hat Night

Ok, so this isn't school related, but I had to throw it in just because they are so cute.  We had crazy hat night at AWANA and we made these hats straight from the girls' imaginations.  We went to Hobby Lobby and bought the supplies.  Ella's had a colorful boa around the brim with multi-colored pipe cleaners and fuzz balls out of the middle.  Leah's had a bird's nest made of pipe cleaners with three birds and feathers around the brim.


With each letter Leah learns, she has a biblical truth the learn as well.  For 'Tt' she had to learn that "I do not quit; I persevere."  We studied about how God instructs us to persevere and the character qualities that follow from doing so.  We also talked about the turtle and how he is an example (like in the story of The Tortoise and the Hare.  This is Leah's turtle we made out of paper plates, paint, and construction paper.  She did learn a lesson.  One day she came to me in tears because she couldn't find a barbie accessory and she said, "I haven't given up, Momma.  I keep persevering."  It was actually quite precious. 

 Pioneer Food

Another project that we did was to cook food that the pioneers would have eaten.  I'm gonna be honest, this one made me a little nervous.  I really thought this stuff was gonna be gross, but it wasn't.  We made hasty pudding and Johnny cakes.  The hasty pudding tasted like grits, and the Johnny cakes tasted like biscuits (I thought it would be more like fried cornbread, but it was more like biscuits).  The brown stuff on the Johnny Cake is apple butter (recommended by MFW).

 Again, all of these projects were not my original idea.  They were all suggested and described by the MFW curriculum.  I love how they have us do activities that tie in with exactly what we are learning and make it so simple.  I am certainly not creative enough to think of these things myself!  The kids love the projects and it really makes things "stick." 

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